Текст песни cant fight the moonlight
Рейтинг: 5 - 43 голосаПеревод песни Can't fight the moonlight (LeAnn Rimes) Текст и перевод песни Слушать онлайн Видео-клипы Lyrsense. Лингво-лаборатория Амальгама: перевод текста песни Can't Fight the Moonlight группы LeAnn Rimes. Deep in the dark you'll surrender your heart. But you know, but you know. That you, can't fight the moonlight, No you can't fight it. It's gonna get to you'r heart. Добро пожаловать на сайт переводов песен luckyhits.ru! Предлагаем вашему вниманию текст и перевод песни Can't Fight the Moonlight известного. Текст. Can't Fight the Moonlight. Under a lover's sky. Gonna be with you. And no one`s gonna be around. If you think that you won't fall. Well just wait until. LeAnn Rimes - Can't Fight the Moonlight / Текст и Перевод Песни & Video. Информационно-развлекательный портал 7lafa.com. Can't fight the moonlight. Under a lover's sky. Gonna be with you. And no one`s gonna be around. If you think that you won't fall. Well just wait until 19 фев 2018 Слова песни Can't Fight The Moonlight (Song Lyrics) Under the lover-sky. Gonna be with you. And no one's gonna be around. If you think. 1 дек 2011 LeAnn Rimes (Margaret LeAnn Rimes Cibrian) Текст песни Can't Fight The Moonlight: Under the lovers sky / Gonna be with you / And no one's. Перевод текста песни Can't Fight The Moonlight — LeAnn Rimes на русский язык.